The daughter in one of the recent convert families here who
asked about babies having jet lag from heaven made another fun comment this
past week. She was looking at this book full of pictures of Jesus and she
said to herself (but we heard), "Wow, Jesus Christ was able to be
resurrected, that's so great (很棒)."
She's only five years old!
We sat down and had hilarious conversation with some old
ladies at a park. They were going on and on about how we should go be on
this really famous Chinese dating talk show and find ourselves Chinese
wives. I always tell people Elder Warren wants to find himself a nice
Shanghainese wife who he can cook and clean for! They all had very
different opinions but they were all very good friends and hilarious. I
had to pull out a recorder and start recording the conversation because it was
so funny. One of them was very against China, another was very patriotic,
and the one in the middle was exactly that, the one in the middle between the
We had exchanges and I got to bring our resident Canadian,
Elder Gulbranson into "Chinese land." It was cool because after
this specific lesson with an investigator that was 100% in Chinese, he said,
"I don't know what the heck you guys were saying, but it must have been
good because I felt the spirit really strongly in there." Cool how
that works.
We had a dinner at one of our Shanghai investigators'
houses. Very authentic, very delicious. It was fun to hear so much
Shanghainese, almost like I was back in Shanghai.
We had another Chinese sacrament meeting this past
Sunday. We do it once a month - break away from the English group and do
our own with about 30+ members. The people who were supposed to give the
short talks did not show up, so with about 20 minutes to go in the meeting, the
time of course gets turned over to yours truly. I spoke on the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, in Chinese of course. It was kind of fun as I shared a lot
of stories. I managed to take up the time to the extent that they had to
skip the closing Hymn for the sake of time.
On a "blitz" in Eastvale, we contacted these two
guys who were [doing some not entirely legal things] in their garage. One
of them had some family that were members of the church on the East coast and
had studied with missionaries before so he was very sympathetic. The
other was another nice guy who knew his Bible pretty well. We managed to
talk to them for half an hour. Early in the conversation, the guy who had
family who were members (Tom - changed the name) leaned over and said, John
(changed the name) you chose to come earth", to which
"John" replied "What? That's crazy." He let it
sink in for a bit and you could see the cogs turning in his brain. We
showed them the Easter Hallelujah video to which he said, "so that's
pretty much saying we'll see our grandparents again." As if on cue,
Tom freaks out and says, "I don't know how you got that from the video,
but that's EXACTLY RIGHT!!! That's what they believe!!!" It was a
fun time.
We had a zone meeting this past week, and we decided to ramp
it up and make it really professional. We enjoyed it!
Elder Warren and I teaching three hilarious old women at a park. The Sister missionaries in our area snapped some pictures from a distance.
Chick-Fil-A with the zone at our Zone Meeting!
Our Zone meetings are legit - complete with name cards, capri suns, and fruit snacks
One of the sisters drew our entire zone. Which one is
I've developed a system to eat my snacks without getting my
hands greasy
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