Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 12, 2015

I got my first baptism this week! It was from my last ward, but it was so cool to see someone I taught dressed in white getting baptized! Exciting preparation for the next two weeks.  We have three people getting baptized this upcoming Sunday, and two people the week after.  I'm excited.  All the time teaching and stressing over their progression is ending in baptisms! 

We still spend a lot of time finding new people though!  Last week, we had an older couple come to English class.  They're from Shanghai and have lived in the US for around five years, but don't really speak any English.  I had to work hard and exercise a lot of patience to improve their conversational Chinese.  At the end, when we shared our spiritual thought, they asked, why did they kill Jesus even though he was such a good person?  Very good question!  Jesus Christ taught it how it is, not how we want to hear it.  Sometimes people don't like loving their neighbor, but that's still the right thing to do.

Last week, we got stressed because one of our investigators didn't want to meet with us.  She was on date for [baptism on] the 18th of January and said she didn't have time.  I told her she had to work to prepare for the date, and she said she had already decided she wanted to be baptized, she just had tons of work.  That was a relief! I thought she was "dropping" us!  She passed her baptismal interview though! Can't wait for next week! 

One of our investigators, who's getting baptized on the 18th, is preparing for the SAT.  I've been working with him just about every day, helping him prepare.  It's like deja vu! Brings me back to high school.  He's going to get a high score though, God's going to bless him for making this decision to be baptized.  

Every week, we try to get as many people as possible to come to church.  Yesterday on Sunday, two of our people didn't come because their ride never showed up.  As frustrating as it was, I left sacrament meeting to go pick them up.  We do all we can in our power to help these people come closer to God.  It's hard work, but it's beautiful to see the fruits of your labors.

Elder Dyer steams Xiaolongbao dumplings

Xiaolongbao dumplings in process

Elder Dyer and his new Christmas gift ukulele

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